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Support Operational Resilience by Using Objectives to Overcome Obstacles
All organizations seek to be resilient, yet some may not have clarity toward what resilience means for them. Having a solid resilience-focused plan or playbook will help your organization get there. A resilience playbook [...]
4 Steps to Integrate Enterprise Risk Management into Vendor Management
No one, especially in these days and times, should discount the importance of vendors to their organization. Even if it were possible to handle everything internally, attempting to do would spread any company’s people [...]
Risk & Crisis Managers, AI will replace you, if you don’t…
AI doesn’t have to be always right, it just has to be less wrong than humans. A study published in the Annals of Oncology found that a deep learning algorithm achieved a 95% accuracy [...]
7 Tips for Strengthening Your Compliance Program to Increase Resilience
Compliance is crucial in business operations, safeguarding against legal risks and regulatory penalties while enhancing integrity and public trust. A compliance officer must oversee and manage regulatory issues within an enterprise. They ensure the [...]
Why Every Manager Should Speak Supply Chain
An understanding of how supply chains work, even at a relatively basic level, has always been beneficial to managers in any discipline. However, in today’s complex world, such knowledge has become foundational to running [...]
Operational Resilience – Learn to withstand disruptions and continue operations!
Operational resilience is the ability of an organization to continue to operate and deliver its essential services in the event of an operational disruption. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such [...]
10 Predictions Impacting Organizational Resilience in 2024
More than 500 global professionals weighed in on an annual survey culminating in the DRI Trends Report for 2023. The 2024 Predictions Report is a follow-up report that extrapolates the findings into a set [...]
The 9th Annual Global Risk and Resilience Trends Report
Back in 2015, there were many consultancy and insurance reports which looked at global business risks and made predictions for the year ahead. Although these had value, none of them specifically utilized the experience [...]
Polycrisis – The Current State of the World
"May you live in interesting times" is an English expression said to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is usually used ironically; life is better in [...]
No more BIAs? No more BC Plans? Listen to the Podcast.
How do you respond to someone who challenges the very foundation of your profession? How do you respond to someone who challenges the very foundation of your profession? What do you say to someone [...]